Just Cruise by The TVC


Just Cruise - EP

by The TVC

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Just Cruise EP




Just Cruise EP 〰️ The TVC 〰️

Shangri-La started as a demo that Brandon Burr (Songwriter/Producer) sent me for our project: The Margots. We kept going back and forth on it, switching up the lyrics, changing out the guitars, and for whatever reason it just was not clicking as a "rock song" for us.

When it came time to pick songs for The TVC's 3rd album I thought it would be really cool to bring a track by The Margots into The TVC universe. I chopped it up as if I were remixing a song that had already been released, and immediately started to get really excited about it.

I sent it over to Brandon and he was just as stoked as I was, our biggest problem with the track was the drums, but as a track for The TVC I was able to completely reimagine the rhythyms of the song. I ended up chopping the drum kit into samples along with the guitars, and then layered in multiple samples to flesh out the rest of the beat. Brandon's voice is one of my favorite's, and through the lens of The TVC I had a fun time manipulating it, and highlighting my favorite lyrics.

- Spencer

Album Artwork by Spencer Riley Alfonso

Graphic Design by Monako Davis